How to Get a Boy to Like You in 3 Easy-To-Do Steps

It's NOT easy, is it?

Kids Toy Boxes

With all the social conditioning telling us that the guys should make the first romantic move...telling you how much he likes you, a woman who BADLY wants to tell the man they like what she feels about him could only wait.

Kids Toy Boxes

Or else, others may look at her as someone who's desperate and easy to get.

BUT what if you could make him want you? What if you're armed with clear-cut and logical steps on how to get a boy to like you?

That would put you in a powerful position!

Think about it - these steps on how to make a boy to like you will make him look at you in a new (more-than-friend) light and will make the first step. So you get what you want (your dream guy) without the risk of looking least by social norms.

Enough fluff, let's get started with these steps on how to get a boy to like you!

How To Get A Boy To Like You 1: Smile...This alone can do A LOT.

This works like a double-edged blade. Let me show you how...

First, just smiling around makes sure that you're NOT sending that get-away-from-me stare.

No matter how beautiful or attractive you are, if you're warding off people with an anti-social look, they wouldn't come near you...that includes the guy you want.

Second, men love a challenge. When other people (including other guys) flock to you with your friendly attitude, your dream guy will inevitably notice you.

How To Get A Boy To Like You 2: Be confident. If you're going to keep an attitude with you all the time, this should be it - confidence.

Your self-confidence should show in the way you walk, talk, and everything you do. Time and again, it's been proven that confidence is attractive for men and women alike.

And rightly so, I mean how will a complete stranger like you if it shows that you're NOT comfortable in your own skin?

So drop that habit of looking at the ground when walking, stand straight up.

Be proud of who you are.

How To Get A Boy To Like You 3: Believe that you can do it and attract the man you like.

Remember the saying whether you think you can or cannot, you're right! This nicely ties in with tip no. 2. What you think of constantly will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So you're thinking that he'll NOT notice you whatever you do?

Believe me, he won't.

BUT if you constantly see at the back of your head how you two will meet in a captivating and enchanting manner, it will happen.

How to Get a Boy to Like You in 3 Easy-To-Do Steps
Kids Toy Boxes

Christmas Sales Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box 201

Dec 18, 2011 17:03:57

Christmas Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box Deals
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Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box <<

Christmas Sales Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box Feature

  • Skidum spins, tumbles, skids, and pirouettes itself dizzy
  • Plastic parts glow-in-the-dark
  • Collect all members of the critter family
  • Colors are assorted, we pick color based on availability
  • Measures 4 x 3 x 3-inch

Christmas Sales Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box Overview

Skidum is the reincarnation of a certain 'found object from space', transformed into a multi legged critter. Despite the evolution, the revolution of the gearbox remains the same; spinning, tumbling, skidding, and pirouetting itself dizzy, in performances that never seem to repeat the same movement. To set Skidum in motion, crank the mid size legs clockwise all the way, and set it down on a table, or on the floor with no carpet. Since its plastic parts glow-in-the-dark, Skidum looks very cool in total darkness as well. Body and key colors are assorted, colors picked on availablity. Made of stainless steel with phthalate free vinyl feet.

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Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box

Limited Offer Today!! Skidum Mechanical Wind up Kids Toy Robot Gear Box Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

700Rc2 Head Simmons Baby Furniture Crib Tent

Popular Lionel Model Train Sets From 1946

In 1946 Lionel produced an array of outfits similar to those in their prewar catalogs. Among these offerings were 23 sets. This broad spectrum of sets allowed Lionel to offer outfits at several prices, with the least expensive outfit retailing for only .95, while the deluxe outfit was .00.

Kids Toy Boxes

1946 was the debut year of many new designs, unlike the previous year which only rehashed previously produced products. New motive power included the O-Gauge 726 Berkshire, produced by installing a 2-8-4 mechanism in a boiler based on the prewar 226E, and the all-new 6-8-6 Pennsylvania turbine. The latter was offered in O-Gauge outfits as catalog number 671, while those included in O27 outfits were numbered 2020. To the lower end of the line was a streamlined 2-6-4 with the catalog number of 221.

Kids Toy Boxes

New freight cars were introduced as well. The 2411 "big inch" flatcar shared its die-cast frame with the 2419 and 2420 work cabooses. Also using die-cast frames were the new dump cars: 3451 for logs and 3459 for coal. The new 2460 crane also had a die-cast frame, and rode on a pair of six-wheel trucks. These trucks shared many components with similar six-wheel trucks used on Bakelite-bodied 2625 passenger cars and the die-cast-bodied 2426W tender used by the 726.

The engineering used to produced the 1945, 2452 gondola, was expanded. The 2454 boxcar, 2465 Sunoco tank car and 3454 operating merchandise cars included plastic bodies mounted on steel frames. The 2452 was continued, and joined by a second gondola, the 2452X, which lacked the brake wheels and barrels that adorned the 2452.

The low-end O27 sets contained many cars that were reworked from prewar designs, but as more of the year passed, increasing numbers of new products were produced, which were included in more expensive outfits. Following up on the success of the 1945 knuckle couplers was a spectacular new feature included in the better sets, smoke. Even more spectacular, but much less widespread, was Electronic Control-the latter available only in set 4109WS. As was the case in 1945, the 1946 outfit boxes were simple corrugated cartons with pasted-on labels to identify the set they contained.

The following are some of the most sought after Lionel O27-Gauge Outfits from 1946:

1400W--Lionel O27 Passenger Set-- Retailed for .95

Included: 221 2-6-4 steam locomotive with operating headlight; 221W sheet-metal tender; two 2430 blue Pullman cars; 2431 blue observation; eight 1013 curved and three 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; UTC Lockon, 926-5 instruction booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

This set was a slightly more expensive version of the 1400 outfit. For the an extra .95 over the 1400, a 221W whistling tender replaced the 221T, and the transformer was upgraded to a 1401 60-watt unit. In excellent condition, this set is worth approx. 0. In like new condition this set is worth approx. 00.

1407B--Lionel O27 Switcher Bell Outfit-- Retailed for .50

Included: 1665 0-4-0 steam switcher with operating headlight; 2403B slope-back tender with ringing bell; 2560 crane; 2452X gondola; 2419 work caboose; eight 1013 curved and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet; 1037 40-watt transformer.

This train was powered by a 1665 0-4-0 switcher, which was a revamped prewar 1662 switcher. Among the changes made to the locomotive were the installation of the new postwar trucks on the tender, and mounting Lionel's new knuckle couplers on the rear of the tender and pilot of the locomotive. Mounting an injection-molded plastic cab and two injection-molded plastic toolboxes onto the die-cast body casting created for the 2411 flatcar crated the 2419 work caboose. A die-cast smoke-jack was installed on the caboose cab. The sheet metal 2560 crane car was carried over form the prewar line in its original colors of yellow cab with red roof. The 1946 production of these cranes included two-piece booms that were riveted together, and had the Lionel name molded in. In excellent condition this outfit is worth approx. 0. In like new condition this outfit is worth approx. 00.

1421WS--Lionel O27 Freight Train--Retailed for .00

Included: 2020 6-8-6 steam turbine locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2020W early coal whistle tender; 3451 operating log car; 2465 Sunoco double-dome tank car; 3454 merchandise car; 2472 non-illuminated Pennsylvania N5 caboose; 164 operating log loader; ten 1013 curved and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; pair of 1121 remote-control turnouts; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

While the 1419W provided the owner with a coal empire, the 1421W, also priced at , created a lumber empire. Trailing the 2020 steam turbine in the set was a die-cast 3451 log dump car to be used in conjunction with the 164 log loader. The 1964 log car carried five unstained logs and was rubber stamped in silver. The pick up shoes were wired with blue wire, and a pair of 1121 remote-control turnouts was included in order to incorporate the 164 in the track layout. A silver 3454 operating merchandise car added even more action to the train, which was surprisingly finished with a plain red, non-illuminated 2472 caboose. Like the 1419WS, many examples of this set have been found with a 75-watt 1042 transformer rather than the listed 60-watt 1041. This train in excellent condition is worth approx. 00 and in like new condition is worth approx. 00.

The following are some of the most sought after Lionel O-Gauge outfits from 1946:

2110WS--Lionel Three-Car Passenger-- Retailed for .00

Included: 671 6-8-6 steam turbine locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2466W early coal whistle tender; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC curved and five OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 whistle controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

To create a premium O-gauge passenger set, Lionel revived it prewar Bakelite "Irvington" passenger car. The postwar incarnation of this car included newly designed six-wheel trucks with knuckle couplers--derivatives of these trucks were used on the 2460 crane and 2426W tender as well. The car bodies were painted maroon or reddish-brown in contrast to the prewar color of medium brown. To tow this passenger train, Lionel used its replica of the Pennsylvania 20-wheel steam turbine, the 671. This set in excellent condition is worth approx. 50 and this set in like new condition is worth approx. 75.

2113WS--Lionel O-Gauge Three-Car Freight Outfit--Retailed for .50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2426W die-cast whistle tender; 2855 black Sunoco single dome tank car; 3854 operating merchandise car; 2457 illuminated caboose; eight OC operating merchandise car; 2457 illuminated caboose; eight OC curved and sever OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 whistle controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

Premiering in outfit 2113WS was the new 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive. Though a 2-8-4 would be a staple of Lionel's O-gauge sets into the 1960s, the 1946 model was unique. The smoke unit was based on a light bulb, the motor and reversing E-unit was mounted horizontally, and the handrails mounted with turned stanchions. The earliest versions of the 726 were equipped with what collectors refer to as the "large stack" motor. Later, the number of field laminations was reduced, resulting is what is known as a "short stack" motor.

The corrugated component box was unique to the 1946 locomotive. Sealed with prewar-style orange and blue sealing tape, the carton was marked with a manufacturer's seal that stated, "GAIR BOGOTA CORR. & FIBRE BOX CORP." The ends of the box were stamped with "No. 726" in small lettering. The cars in tow were just as unique. Though cataloged as the common silver 2755, the tank car included was actually the scarce black 1855. The prewar semi-scale boxcar tooling was revived and modified with the addition of a roof hatch and internal mechanism to create an operating merchandise car, the 3854. This car is one of the most difficult to find items from the postwar era. In excellent condition this outfit is worth approx. 00. In like new condition this set is worth approx. 00.

2114WS--Lionel O-Gauge Three-Car Passenger Outfit--Retailed for .50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2426W whistle tender; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC curved and five OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

This was the most expensive passenger outfit offered in 1946. The three Bakelite 2625 Irvington passenger cars presented the 726 with a formidable load, especially those locomotives equipped with the later "short stack" motor. The die-cast tenders were equipped with die-cast whistle housings and, though initially stamped in white, ultimately were lettered in silver. In excellent condition the outfit is worth approx. 00 and in like new condition is worth 00.

Popular Lionel Model Train Sets From 1946
Kids Toy Boxes

Christmas Sales Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest 201

Dec 17, 2011 19:58:38

Christmas Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest Deals
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Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest <<

Christmas Sales Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest Feature

  • Holds 6 cubic feet of toy storage
  • Two removable bins hold small toys for better organization
  • Detachable lid for safety
  • Durable plastic construction
  • Complements Bright 'N' Bold Table and Chairs

Christmas Sales Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest Overview

The Little Tikes Bright 'N' Bold Toy Chest is perfect for organizing any playroom. The versatile capacity allows you to store large and small toys alike- helping you keep your play area tidy.

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This Christmas Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest

Limited Offer Today!! Little Tikes Bold N Bright Toy Chest Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Office Armoire Furniture

Can My Pet Make Me Sick?

Can having a pet make my children or me sick?

Kids Toy Boxes

The answer to that question is "yes" and "no."

Kids Toy Boxes

There is always the possibility and there are also ways to prevent problems.

The best way to make certain, germs and/or bacteria is not passed around is to practice good hygiene. Cleanliness seems to be the best prevention of common illnesses.

However, one important thing is, to keep in mind is the current state of everyone's health. People with a weak immune system, people suffering from serious illnesses, people with HIV/AIDS, people with organ transplants, people being treated for cancer and infants and young children are all at a greater risk of picking up a disease from an animal than most other people.

With few exceptions, carelessness in handling a pet along with not washing your hands after cleaning up after a pet, are primary causes of illness connected with pets.

What are some of the possible illnesses that can be associated with animals? The most feared in my mind is rabies.

What is rabies? It is a disease caused by the rabies virus and is transmitted though a bite from an animal that is carrying the virus. Today most domesticated animals are vaccinated for the rabies virus as dictated by most state laws.

However, a bite from an unknown animal, domestic or wild, until it is known that the animal has been vaccinated, has to have the recipient of the bite, treated as if the animal has the virus.

It may take from one to three months for a person to show signs of the virus and by then it is too late for any treatment to work.

It is very important that your pet, even if it is an inside only pet, be inoculated against the rabies virus.

Teaching children to avoid trying to pet strange dogs or cats, unless supervised, along with avoiding the temptation to catch a wild animal, is one of the best lessons you can teach your child.

There are many germs/viruses that can be picked up from dogs other than rabies, most of which come from contact with a dog's feces. That is why cleanliness seems so important. To clean up after your dog eliminates, use plastic gloves, a pooper scooper or a plastic bag to avoid touching the feces.

A dog can carry many types of germs, bacteria and/or virus and not be ill, but you can pick it up and suffer. Most illness caused by pets usually run the gamut of diarrhea, vomiting, some fever and muscle aches. As with any illness see, your medical provider.

Cats too, can pass on a disease or two to their humans, but in general you are most likely not going to get sick from touching or owning a cat.

Cat scratch fever can come from a scratch or bite, but using normal precautionary measures such as washing the wound and putting an anapestic on it, can generally prevent any illness. Symptoms of cat scratch disease can include infection at the point of injury, swollen lymph glands, some fever, and a loss of appetite.

Another disease associated with cats is Toxoplasmosis, however people are more likely to get it from eating raw meat or gardening.

What is toxoplasmosis? It is a disease caused by a parasite, about 60 million people are infected by this bug and do not know it. You can get it by swallowing cat feces.

Yuk, you say why would anyone do that? Actually just by touching your mouth, eyes, or nose you can transmit it to yourself. The symptoms are flu like. It particularly dangerous for pregnant women as it can be transmitted to the fetus.

When cleaning the litter box always use caution and refrain from handling any feces. Keep pets away from the litter box, along with children. For some odd reason dogs seem to enjoy looking for treats in the litter box.

What other diseases can be transmitted to humans by pets?

Salmonellosis, which is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella. Most of the time people get it from infected chicken, eggs or other contaminated food. The symptoms can cause severe diarrhea, fever and stomach pain.

The virus salmonellosis can also be passed on to humans by handling such pets as reptiles (lizards, snakes and turtles,) baby chicks, ducklings and occasionally a cat or dog.

Again it comes from touching the feces of the animals and not washing your hands after doing so. Some animals can have it on their bodies, as they have picked it up from the ground.

Water can also be a point of contamination, where animals have access to it and due to ground run offs, feces and urine can flow into the water, humans need to be careful.

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals.

How can you get it?

By exposure to many things, as the bacteria is secreted through the urine of infected animals. It can be found in water, (ponds and streams) food, or soil containing urine from the infected animals. Swallowing the water (swimming in a pond or stream,) contaminated food or by hands that have been in contact with a source and you have rubbed your eyes, nose or mouth or through a cut on your skin.

The symptoms include high fever, severe headache, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea or a rash. Seek medical treatment as soon as possible especially, if you have been swimming in the "old swimming hole."

Leptospirosis is found worldwide, but mainly in temperate and tropical climates. Pets can acquire it from drinking out of a contaminated birdbath.

Ticks carry diseases and ticks bite dogs, so the rule here is, when removing ticks from your pet be extremely careful. Your chances of getting either Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted fever are slim and none, unless you are tramping around in areas of the country where those ticks are prevalent and are not wearing protective clothing.

Fleas can cause tapeworm in household pets. The animals get it by swallowing a flea that has been infected.

Can you get tapeworm, certainly, but only if you swallow and infected flea. Keeping your pet and household flea free will prevent either of you from becoming infected. Last, but not least in this list of things, is Ringworm, this is a skin and scalp disease that can be caught not only from animals, but people, too.

How can you get ringworm?

Ringworm is a contagious fungus that can be passed on from person to person, pet to person or pet to pet.

It has nothing to do with worms, but is a fungus that lives in humans, pets and rarely in the soil. Ringworm appears as, a flat round patch on the skin and then conforms to a ring like patch. It can be treated by a fungus killing medicine usually taken orally in tablet form or by an ointment applied to the affected area.

The important thing here is not to share personal items with an infected person, do not touch infected areas, keep children away from infected pets, and to thoroughly wash all items handled by the infected pet or person.

Now that I have made you wonder, should I ever get a pet, the answer is of course.

Plain old common sense hygiene is the answer to most pet to people diseases. I have never heard of a person dying because of a disease caught from a cat or dog. With the possibly exception of someone being bitten by a rabid animal and not seeking treatment.

Keeping play areas for children free from being your pet's bathroom area and keeping feces cleaned up is the safest thing you can do.

Teach your children to wash their hands frequently after playing with their pet and you are on your way to a long and happy life

Can My Pet Make Me Sick?
Kids Toy Boxes

Christmas Sales Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box 201

Dec 16, 2011 22:54:41

Christmas Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box Deals
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Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box <<

Christmas Sales Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box Feature

  • Soft pink colors with an adorable Princess inspired design fit for the little princess in your life
  • Hinged safety lid ensures little fingers are kept safe and out of harms way
  • Built solid for strength and durability that will last
  • Meets all JPMA safety standards
  • Some assembly required

Christmas Sales Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box Overview

There's something about a Delta-conceived, Delta-designed, Delta-made children's product that so many parents, from all ends of the earth, just seem to naturally gravitate to. That is because Delta Children's Products are experts in creating groundbreaking products that meet the growing needs of children. From infancy all the way through young teen hood. Every smart, safe, high-quality Delta product is designed to deliver timeless beauty, myriad uses, and outstanding value for years to come. Get your child excited about putting away their favorite toys. The Disney Princess Toy Box is a colorful addition to a room's decor designed in the theme of Disney Princess. The hinged safety lid makes the box safe, so that the only thing to worry about when putting away those precious toys is that the fun has to end some time. Features a whimsical Princess inspired design with soft pastel colors and is the perfect place for storing things in style (dress up clothes, shoes, art accessories, toys and more). Goes great in any room and makes a great gift. Meets all JPMA safety standards. Some assembly required. Features: Disney Princess Toy Box Hinged safety lid Features a whimsical Princess inspired design Soft pastel colors Specifications: Dimensions: 13.5' H x 15.38' W x 24.63' D Weight: 26.46 lbs In compliance with all ASTM safety standards and requirementsSome assembly required

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This Christmas Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box

Limited Offer Today!! Disney Princess Pretty Pink Toy Box Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Headboard Footboard Bed Frame Battery Load Tester Computer Screen Cleaner Wipes

Woodcraft Ideas For Kids And Beginning Woodcrafters

Woodcrafting can be one of the most enjoyable hobbies you'll find around. Not only is it enjoyable, but it's very productive, also. There are all kinds of woodcraft ideas you can create that can be useful and decorative for your home. Even small items that the children can help to create, such as jewelry boxes, tissue boxes, even cute little pencil holders for your desk.

Kids Toy Boxes

Popsicle sticks make wonderful craft material for kids to work with. They're small enough for their little fingers and children can glue and paint and create beautiful objects for around the house. One of the favorite and easy to do Popsicle stick crafts are picture frames. You glue the sticks in a square, usually using eight sticks and when they dry, the children can paint them whatever color they wish. Adding sequins or glitter to the frame adds that extra touch. Glue your favorite picture to the back of the frame and glue a thread or the loop off a pop can to hang the picture with and you have an adorable and decorative picture for your wall or desk.

Kids Toy Boxes

Another, more extensive woodcraft with Popsicle sticks is an adorable doll house. You'd would have to help the children with this; they will need supervision for a project this size. After completing the house, you can help your child decorate each room with paint and wallpaper, and even little scraps of carpeting. There are so many great and simple craft ideas for the kids with Popsicle sticks.

Do you want to make your own Christmas ornaments and decorations for other holidays? It's easy to do and a lot of fun, something the whole family can work on together. You can carve little Santa's, reindeer and other Christmas items and let the children help paint and decorate them.

Almost any type of wood you find around you can be used for a super craft project. Many people like to use simple driftwood found on the beach. When sanded down and varnished, it makes a sharp addition to your wreck room, deck and even under your mailbox with the family name printed on it. What about a little wishing well for your front yard or a big porch swing to enjoy on those warm summer nights, or maybe you're not quite sure what you want to create. There are lots of books and magazines to help you find just the right project for you and it will tell you what materials are best for the project you pick. You can purchase books or take a trip down to your local library and find what you're looking for. Lumber yards are very helpful with helping you pick out just the right type of wood that you will need for any big projects you decide to take on, such as porch decks, sheds, kitchen additions, etc.

So check out books, magazines or think of woodcraft ideas of your own and start to enjoy the fun of being creative.

Woodcraft Ideas For Kids And Beginning Woodcrafters
Kids Toy Boxes

Christmas Sales Fairy Tale Jewelry Box 201

Dec 16, 2011 01:50:52

Christmas Fairy Tale Jewelry Box Deals
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Fairy Tale Jewelry Box

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Fairy Tale Jewelry Box <<

Christmas Sales Fairy Tale Jewelry Box Feature

  • Plays "Swan Lake", fairy inside spins to the music
  • Made of sturdy fiberboard with a classic goldtone latch
  • Features mirror on interior of the lid
  • Measures approx. 6"
  • Recommended for ages 8 and up

Christmas Sales Fairy Tale Jewelry Box Overview

Absolutely adorable and sure to be a treasure for your little girl (or the little girl in you) is this cool Fairy Tale musical Jewelry Chest. So girly and just TOO CUTE. The goldtone latch on front, the lid mirror and the windup key make this a classic design sure to be cherished. Measures approximately 6" wide. It is made with fiberboard construction with beautiful images of flowers and fairies. Inside, a delicate fairy twirls to the tune of "Swan Lake". WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD -- Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.

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This Christmas Fairy Tale Jewelry Box ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Fairy Tale Jewelry Box

Limited Offer Today!! Fairy Tale Jewelry Box Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

10 X Optical Zoom Digital Camera Sony Camera Batteries

Messy Bedrooms? Clutter Fighting Techniques For Kids Messy Bedrooms

These days it seems children have so much stuff. The dizzying array of toys, games and electronics can become a real nightmare if a little organization is not introduced. Especially if you have younger children, you will want to teach them good organization skills for their personal space. These skills will serve them the rest of their lives. Here are some techniques to get started.

Kids Toy Boxes

Set Boundaries. Clearly establish with children where items belong and do not belong. Toys that are from their playroom/area should not make it to their bedrooms. Also enforce rules about how many toys can be out at once. Create Unique Storage. There may be several ways to utilize the space in the bedroom to maximize organization. Shelves or hooks on the wall that the child can reach can serve several purposes. Closet organization systems may also help out in the closet area. Use Covered Toy Boxes. A big open bin of toys seems like a good way to go, but not so in reality. Often the boxes will be overflowing, and it makes it much easier to make a mess of the room. Get the Kids Involved. Even if the child does not seem enthusiastic about the changes they will have to be making in their lives and bedrooms, get them involved. They may not like it at the time, but they will benefit from learning about organization, and some children will take a shinning to it. Introduce a Routine. This is the most important step. A regular routine has to be established to have any chance of keeping the room free of clutter. A well established routine will require a lot of time and energy at first, but after the bedroom is organized, the straightening routine will become quick, like second nature.

Kids Toy Boxes

Dealing with the clutter in a bedroom can seem like an impossible task, especially when it is a child's bedroom. These simple techniques will help you to begin to establish the necessary skills to live a life free of clutter, including the worst place of all, your kid's room.

Messy Bedrooms? Clutter Fighting Techniques For Kids Messy Bedrooms
Kids Toy Boxes

Christmas Sales KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso 201

Dec 15, 2011 04:44:57

Christmas KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso Deals
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KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso <<

Christmas Sales KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso Feature

  • Available in White, Natural, Honey, Cherry, Espresso, Pink and Vanilla. Safety hinge on lid protects young fingers from getting pinched
  • Doubles as a bench for additional seating * Helps keep bedrooms tidy and organized
  • Assembled dimensions: 30 in L x 18 in W x 19 in H Smart, sturdy construction
  • Packaged with detailed, step-by-step assembly instructions
  • Made of wood

Christmas Sales KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso Overview

KidKraft Austin Toy Box. Put a "lid" on the mess! Kid's room look like a tornado hit it? The Austin Toy Box is here to straighten up that disaster area! Available in an array of colors to seamlessly adapt to any decor, this 30 x 18 x 19" h. Toy Box features a safety hinge on the lid to protect little fingers from getting pinched and slammed. And aside from the awesome job it does keeping things organized and neat, the Austin Toy Box works double-duty as a bench, too! Smart, sturdy wood construction. Ages 3+. Assembly required. State Color. Teach your tot the importance of organization! Order Today! KidKraft Austin Toy Box

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This Christmas KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso

Limited Offer Today!! KidKraft Austin Toy Box Espresso Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Flip Mino Camcorder Sony Camera Lenses

Build an Appliance Box House With Your Children

There is much talk these days of parents having "quality time" with their children. What better way to have quality time than to build a custom cardboard playhouse out of appliance boxes. Appliance stores will generally give these boxes free to anyone that requests them. Then, you cut holes for windows and doors and decorate the house with paint, curtains, pictures and other items.

Kids Toy Boxes

Let your child or children be involved in the design and decoration as much as possible. You can even use multiple boxes to make a very large house. The adult can do the cutting and supervise the glueing and painting. If one asks around at home stores, latex interior paints that have been returned or mixed improperly may be purchased for hardly anything. Check your own paint closet or ask a friend and you can probably find as much paint as needed at no cost. A local dollar store is a great place to obtain furnishings. Also, your garage or attic, a friend or neighbor's garage or attic, a thrift store, or a rummage sale make great places to obtain furnishings and decorations at little or no cost.

Kids Toy Boxes

Once the house is completed, the child or children will have a nice playhouse to have friends over, have tea parties, or just hang out in. Most important, this will be more than a toy for the child; it will be a memory of a neat thing they did with their parent or parents that they can fondly look back on many years from now.

Build an Appliance Box House With Your Children
Kids Toy Boxes

Tuscany 4 In 1 Crib

Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box

Christmas Sales Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box 201

Dec 13, 2011 10:33:42

Christmas Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box Deals
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Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box <<

Christmas Sales Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box Feature

  • Plays "The Unicorn"
  • Includes Mirror
  • velvet Flocked Paper Lining
  • includes 4 drawers
  • includes Unicorn

Christmas Sales Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box Overview

Enchantmints Treasure Box Unicorn Music Box.

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This Christmas Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box

Limited Offer Today!! Enchantmints Unicorn Music Box Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed