What's a Bilibo?

As a Mom or Dad, you likely are astounded at the number of toys that you've purchased for your kids. Toys that now reside in boxes in the basement or that are piled up in the closet just begging to be given away.

Kids Toy Boxes

And as a Mom or Dad, you've probably also noticed that the kids always seemed more fascinated with the boxes that those toys came in rather than the toy itself. And you sit there in shock knowing that you paid for a toy and all that your child decided to play with was the simple cardboard box.

Kids Toy Boxes

Nothing is worse than buying an expensive toy and then seeing the box get played with more.

But...there's a new toy on the market that seems to be taking Moms and Dads all over the world by surprise! It's called the Bilibo and if you haven't seen it, you may wonder what all of the hype is about.

It's a simple shell design with rounded edges and two holes in one side. As an adult now, one look at the Bilibo and you might wonder why in the world kids love this so much.

Here's a hint: Think "boxes".

Those same, simple boxes that your kids played with will soon be out of the picture once the kids discover this new toy.

These toys are colorful, there's no sharp edges to them, and you'll be fascinated at the different uses kids come up with for these toys.

They use them for:
Water toys

Doll beds

To fill with sand

To carry stuff around in

To put on their heads

To spin in (and the large version is big enough to fit a medium-sized adult!)

As a seat.

As a sled (yes, you really can use these as sleds)

As a tunnel

And the list goes on....

As adults, we look at a toy as simplistic as this and think "What's the big deal?" but according to reviews, kids just love Bilibo's. Think of it as a replacement for those toy boxes.

Many experts have actually reviewed the Bilibo and here's what just one of those experts had to say:

"...children spend hours in front of TV and computer screens, which is no way beneficial to their social and motor development. Bilibo will add quality to the situation indoors....With Bilibo we have an attractive object at hand to...stimulate the motor skills of children in imaginative ways" - Dr. Marco Huttenmoser, Documentation Centre Child and Environment.

With all of the gadgets available today, all requiring batteries, complicated parts, and a rocket-scientist to put them together, the Bilibo appears to be winning kids over with it's ability to stimulate creative play.

What's a Bilibo?
Kids Toy Boxes

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